Initially introduced in the 1980s, "Life Is Not A Spectator Sport" was revitalized and reimagined for 2022. This marked the brand's first major campaign since 2019, championed by a brand film featuring longstanding and new Reebok partners who embody the mantra's brave and bold spirit. The campaign also set the stage for the 2022 product campaign focused on Classic Leather.
Our team played a crucial role in the success of the 'Life Is Not A Spectator Sport' campaign. Reebok tasked us to spearhead the refresh and creation of visual and copy content on their flagship e-commerce platforms, particularly Amazon, to promote the brand and product campaign. We developed a comprehensive program encompassing Essential Content (product descriptions, SEO optimization, image carousels) and basic and premium A+ content across all product pages. We maintained fidelity to Reebok's creative guidelines and assets to ensure seamless integration of the brand campaign into the shopping experience.
ROLE Art Direction, Lead Design, UI/UX Strategy
AGENCY Media.Monks
AGENCY Media.Monks